PSAT Math Multiple-Choice Practice Test 49: Problem Solving and Data Analysis Drill

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1. A student writes a double-spaced typed paper using Times New Roman 12-point font. He finds that each page contains an average of 240 words. If the student changes to Comic Sans 12-point font, each page contains an average of only 170 words. If the student is required to write a 10-page double-spaced report, how many fewer words would he be required to write if the teacher accepts Comic Sans 12-point font instead of Times New Roman 12-point font?

2. On a map of a rectangular fenced-in area, the drawing of the enclosed area has a surface area of 20 square inches. If one side of the fenced-in area drawing is 4 inches long and the key of the map indicates that for every 1 inch drawn on the map there are 6 feet in actual distance, what is the perimeter of the actual fence, assuming there are no gaps or gates?

3. John's performance on his first test was only 60%. His performance increased by 20% on the next test, and it increased an additional 25% on the third test. What did John earn on the third test, to the nearest whole percent?

4. Linda's 15-gallon car tank has only 2 gallons left when she pulls into a gas station. She wants to purchase only the gas she will need to drive
240 miles and still have 1 gallon remaining. Her car gets 28 miles to the gallon. How many gallons should Linda purchase, to the nearest tenth of a gallon?

Questions 5-6 refer to the following information.

5. If you were to graph dollars per shake-up along the x-axis and quantity of shake-ups sold per week at the set price on the y-axis, which of the following would be a property of the function between the values of 3 and 5 dollars?

6. At which of the following prices of a lemon shake-up would the total revenue be maximized?

Questions 7-8 refer to the following information.

A scientist surveys 16 randomly selected teenage students, recording their ages and their average number of hours of nightly sleep.

7. If x represents the age and y represents the average hours of sleep, which of the following gives the equation of the best-fit line for the survey results?

8. Which of the following would most likely cause the greatest obstacle to the accuracy of the sleep survey results?

Questions 9-10 refer to the following information.

9. What choice most closely approximates the slope of the best-fit line of the graph above?

10. What is the most logical explanation as to why the x- and y-axes begin as they do, as opposed to at zero values?

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