PSAT Math Multiple-Choice Practice Test 38: Passport to Advanced Math: Quadratics

1. If x2 + 8x = 48 and x > 0, what is the value of x - 5?

2. What is the absolute value of the difference between the roots of 4x2 - 36 = 0?

3. Which of the following is equivalent to x2 - 6x + 10 = 0?

4. y2 = 2x2 - 8x + c

The quadratic above has only one distinct, real root. What is the value of c ?


Which of the following equations could represent the above graph?

6. Which of the following is an equivalent form of the expression (x - 4)(x + 2)?

7. What positive value(s) of z satisfy the equation ?

8. Which of the following is equivalent to ?

9. If a quadratic function f(x) has solutions a and b such that a < 0, b > 0, and | b | > | a |, which of the following could be equal to f(x)?

10. For all a and b, what is the product of (a - b)2 and (a + b)?

11. Which equation does NOT have a solution at x = -4?

12. A rectangle has an area of If the width of the rectangle is , what is the length?

13. A rectangular prism has a height of x, a width of 7 less than the height, and a length 14 more than the width. What is the volume of the prism?


Which of the following expressions is equivalent to the expression above?

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