PSAT Math Grid-Ins Practice Test 16

The use of a calculator is permitted.

1. At a particular store, customers can purchase children's outfits for $20 and adults' outfits for $45. If a family purchased 22 outfits for a total of $765, how many children's outfits did the family purchase?


The scatter plot above shows the price of a room per night at 15 different hotels versus the distance the hotels are from the beach. If Hotel M is the hotel at the median distance to the beach, how many hotel rooms must be booked for the hotel to make $2,280 in one night?

3. One face of a triangular building is portrayed in a photograph in which 1 inch in the photograph corresponds to 10 feet in the actual building. If the face of the actual building has an area of 960 square feet and a base of 48 feet, what is the building's height (in inches) in the photograph?


Major at ABC University

What is the total percentage of STEM majors (math, science, engineering) out of all the students at ABC University, rounded to the nearest percent? (Ignore the percent symbol when entering your answer. For example, if your answer is 10%, enter 10 as your answer.)


Major at ABC University

What is the probability that a randomly selected student at ABC University will be both a male and a humanities major (calculated to the nearest hundredth)?

6. Eloise is told by her doctor that she should try to average 9 hours of sleep a night because that is what a typical teenager needs for optimal mental and physical health. If Eloise was awake for 126 hours in a given week, how many additional hours of sleep should she have had in order to follow her doctor's advice?

7. The variables m and n have a directly proportional relationship given by the equation m = kn, where k is a constant of proportionality. When m = 10, n = 2 . What will be the value of n if m equals 38?

8. A botanist plants a small ivy plant and evaluates its growth function. She finds that 2 months after planting, the plant is 5 inches tall; at 4 months after planting, the plant is 8 inches tall. Additionally, the botanist has noticed that the plant has grown at a constant rate since its initial planting. Given this information, what was the plant's height in inches at the time it was planted?

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