PSAT Writing and Language Practice Test 8: Getting a CLOe

Questions 1-11 refer to the following information.

Getting a CLOe

Imagine you go to a restaurant you've never tried before. Now, let's say you 1 had a bad experience. What next? For many, the answer is 2 simple, get on social media and tell the world. Aside from telling all your

friends and followers about the experience on Twitter and Facebook, 3 you would probably decide not to return to that restaurant. In fact, you might have used these services to find the restaurant in the first place. And really, if a place has two out of five stars on Yelp when you look it up, what's the chance you'll go there in the first place?

Companies, not just restaurants, are starting to see that their biggest business generators are not TV or Internet ads anymore. 4 Today, "buzz" gets created on social media, and it is more important than ever for companies to 5 insure that they are showing the best possible face to the world on social media. Maintaining that public face has created a new job: Chief Listening Officer. Where a Social Media Manager might be in charge of a 6 companies output on Facebook and other sites, a Chief Listening Officer is on the other side. A CLO scours blogs, Pinterest, tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yelp, and whatever new site will be hot when you read this to make sure that a company's public image is under control.

If a CLO sees a bad review on someone's blog, for instance, the CLO might contact a customer-service representative 7 and make it better to see if the situation can be remedied. On the other hand, if a company 8 unfurls a new advertising campaign and the ads are getting buzz on Twitter or many views on YouTube, the CLO might tell his marketing team to keep up the good work. The incredible 9 thing about this is that it is more detailed than market research has ever been before. People share their entire lives on social media, and a single post can reveal not only someone's positive or negative reaction but also 10 their age, gender, location, social status, friends, and so on.

Some criticize the CLO position as a fad, suggesting that companies are overreacting to the power of social media. 11 The fact of the matter is, however, CLOs will be needed as long as social media are around. After all, consumers are realizing that social-media reviews are often the purest of the pure—neither that of an overrefined food critic or tech geek nor that of someone in the pay of this or that company. The people are talking, and companies have at last made their "listening" official.

11 questions    9 minutesAll test questions



3. Which of the following would best maintain the focus of this sentence and paragraph?

4. The author is considering deleting the phrase not just restaurants from the preceding sentence and adjusting the punctuation accordingly. Should the phrase be kept or deleted?







11. Which of the following most directly answers the criticism presented in the previous sentence?

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