PSAT Writing and Language Practice Test 35: Sentence Structure Questions

Questions 1-8 refer to the following information.

1 The increased use of smartphones and Internet technology profoundly interaction with our friends and family. Class reunions and opening holiday greeting cards 2 was once highly anticipated events that would offer updates on the goings-on of distant acquaintances. Now, a quick scan of a social media feed gives a real-time update. On the other hand, look at any group of people out for dinner or just hanging out, and you will inevitably find many of the group members buried in their phones, 3 immersed in their own stimulation instead of meaningful interactions to be had with the people right in front of them. Is it possible to have both the blessings of instantaneous communication and the minimization of the effects of distraction and 4 dehumanization?

It is possible to do so if we put ourselves on an "information diet." Instead of having your phone set to notify you every time there is a message or a new post, give 5 oneself a reasonable schedule for updates. If you are working on a major project with other people, 6 and you should probably check your phone more frequently. If you are on vacation, take advantage of "away" messages and 7 as your gatekeeper let the computer serve, informing people that you will be available to respond upon your return. If you can take control of technology rather than letting it control you, you 8 will be empowered to have the benefits of new technology while minimizing its pitfalls.

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