PSAT Writing and Language Practice Test 32: Idea Development Questions

Questions 1-8 refer to the following information.

The eternal question about careers is 1 "how do I decide which career I would like to do when I'm out of school?" This is a concern that haunts young people as they decide upon a college major and older people as they confront mid-life crises. 2 While there is not a clear answer to this question, there are several things that merit consideration.

It is important to realize that not all of your time is going to be spent working. If you have a job that pays well and requires only a reasonable amount of time, you can treat the job as a "means to an end." 3 Some of the wealthiest billionaires in the world have net worths in excess of the gross domestic productsof small countries.

If it is possible to have a career that you truly enjoy, then it probably will not feel like work. The time you spend there will not feel like a drain on your other interests. 4 Most people can determine the most appropriate careers based on which subjects they enjoy the most in school. If you are like most people, try to find a less dreamy niche at which you excel and that you enjoy.

You should excel at your chosen profession to the point where you are making enough money to live "comfortably" for your needs and lifestyle. If you are 5 terrified due to financial concerns, it will be challenging to enjoy your work, no matter how fun it is. When you come home each day from a job that pays decently and that you find stimulating, you will feel fulfilled and rejuvenated instead of 6 frustrated and drained.

To summarize, 7 make sure you have a profession that commands the respect of your peers. Try to find a balance between work and non-work interests, and be sure the expected compensation will be sufficient to meet your needs. And be open to changing your mind about your priorities— 8 according to current research, people are mostly consistent throughout their lives as to their major career priorities.

Surveys of 100 randomly selected 40- to 60-year-olds and 100 randomly selected 20- to 30-year-olds about their primary career priorities.

8 questions    6 minutesAll test questions

1. Which choice would most effectively introduce the major theme of the essay?

2. Which option would best emphasize the uncertainty and complexity surrounding the essay's topic while leading into the rest of the sentence?

3. Which option provides the most focused and relevant elaboration on the previous sentence?

4. Which option sets up the most relevant contrast with the sentence that follows?

5. Which phrasing would best express a degree of moderate concern?

6. Which choice of words would most consistently complete the contrast in the sentence?

7. Which option most effectively introduces the concluding paragraph?

8. Which option uses the most relevant and justifiable conclusion based on the data in the graphs to build on the point made in the first part of the sentence?

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