PSAT Writing and Language Question 37: Answer and Explanation

Question: 37

Which choice most effectively establishes the main topic of the paragraph?

  • A. Old as they are, nevertheless, winners in all categories tend to be affiliated with the same universities.
  • B. One surprise in the list of Nobel Prize winners, however, has to do with the educational backgrounds of some winners.
  • C. Most of the best research is done by college students and their professors.
  • D. It will shock no one that all Nobel prize winners are highly intelligent in one way or another.

Correct Answer: B



Note the question! The question asks for the main topic of the paragraph, so it's testing consistency of ideas. Determine the topic discussed in the paragraph and select the choice that is consistent with that idea. The paragraph discusses how winners in most categories come from the elite research institutions, yet winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature…have not attended the same schools. The correct answer will be consistent with the topic of winners from different institutions or schools. Stating that the winners in all categories tend to be affiliated with the same universities is the opposite, so eliminate (A). One surprise…with the educational backgrounds of some winners is consistent, so keep (B). The best research is done by college students and their professors is not consistent, so eliminate (C). Stating that the winners are highly intelligent is not consistent, so eliminate (D). The correct answer is (B).

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